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Mental Health Matters

30 Minute Routine

Follow the video or text instructions below for some mindfulness, relaxation and stretching exercises. 

Exercise Mindfulness (4-minute body scan)

Start by sitting on the ground. Breathe in and out and focus on your breath for a moment. Then take a few minutes to go through the sensations of your whole body, as if you are a computer trying to assess the present condition of each individual part. As you move along with your scan, try to adjust, soften and relax what you feel to be tense. Start at the crown of your head and continue to your forehead, your nose, your cheeks, your mouth, your jaw, your neck, your shoulders, your arms, your hands, your fingers, your chest, your belly, your hips, your thighs, your legs, your feet and your toes. Relax and prepare yourself to be present in the moment so you can start stretching.

Stretching (15-minute exercise)

Adjust your leg position onto a butterfly pose.
Head circles Circle your head slowly around trying to press the back of your head to your upper back while you are circling to the back and press your chin to your chest while you are circling to the front. You can do it in one full movement or break it up into half circles on the front and back if the full movement is uncomfortable. Circle to the other side. 30 sec
Upper trap With one hand, pull your head to the side, keeping the opposite shoulder down. Switch sides 15 sec per side
Chin tucks With your head straight up pull your chin straight back and return. 30 sec
Upper body Shoulder stretch Pull your arm across your chest with the help of the other arm. Switch sides 15 sec per side
Chest stretch Clasp your hands behind your back and pull your arms down and out while pressing your chest forward 30 sec
Triceps stretch With your arm bent over your shoulder, place your hand on your back and use your other hand to pull your elbow back 15 sec per side
Flies Stretch your arms in front with your palms facing each other, open your arms as much as you can and come back 30 sec
Front stretch Curl your back and reach your arms as high as you can 30 sec
Oblique rotation With your hands behind your head reach one elbow to the opposite knee, come back and reverse 15 sec per side
Side bend With your hands behind your head, bend to one side, come back and repeat on the other side 15 sec per side
Lower body Butterfly stretch Place your arms on your inner thighs and bend at your hips while keeping your back straight 30 sec
Adjust your position to laying on the ground facing up
Hamstring stretch With one leg bent, pull the other leg straight up with the strap. Switch sides 15 sec per side
Side stretch Keeping one leg straight on the ground, pull the other leg up and then across your body. Switch sides 15 sec per side
Adjust your position to sitting up with your legs stretched out in front
Calf stretch With your leg straight, use the band to pull your foot back so you feel your calf stretch. Switch sides 15 sec per side
Soleus stretch With your knee slightly bent, use the band to pull your foot back. Switch sides 15 sec per side
Adjust your position to laying on the ground facing down
Quad stretch With the band around your ankle, pull it over your shoulder to help your heel come closer to your glutes. Switch sides 15 sec per side
Adjust your position to sitting on your legs with the top of your feet flat on the floor
Anterior tibialis stretch Pull your knees up 30 sec
Whole body
Adjust your position to all fours
Cat-cow stretch Tuck your chin, arch your back and pull your pelvis in and hold. Then, pull your pelvis back while pulling your head back arching in the other direction 30 sec
Hands Wrist extension With your palms facing down and your fingers spread out and stretched on the floor, move your center of gravity in circles, so that you move to one side, then to the front, then to the other side and then return to where you were before 30 sec
Wrist flexion Turn your hands so your palms are facing up, move your center of gravity in circles, so that you move to one side, then to the front, then to the other side and then return to where you were before 30 sec
Adjust your position to sitting on your legs
Tendon gliding exercises Straight fingers to tabletop to hook fist to straight fist to full fist and back to straight fingers and repeat 30 sec
Opposition Touch each tip of your fingers with the tip of your thumb 30 sec
Hand circles Close your hands into fists and do circles to one side then the other 30 sec
Shaking your hands out Shake your hands as if trying to dry them out 15 sec
Whole body Prayer stretch Fold to the front and stretch your arms over your head as far as you can. Alternate stretching to the front and a little to each side. 30 sec
Adjust your position to laying on the ground facing up with your arms stretched over your head
Long stretch Elongate your entire body pulling your feet and hands apart as much as you can 30 sec

Foot Massage (5-minute exercise)

This part of the routine is set so you can massage your feet for as long as you wish and choose which techniques are best for your feet at that moment. Choose whatever feels best and focus on the part of your foot that seems to need the most care.

Sit with your legs crossed, with the foot you are going to massage facing up.

  • Starting at your heel and moving all the way to your big toe, massage along the inner part of your foot with one thumb over the other in circular motions.
  • Starting at your heel and moving all the way to your toes, massage along the 5 lines of your toes gliding from the heel all the way to the tip of each toe.
  • Massage the bottom entire bottom of your feet using your thumbs, the heel of your palm or your knuckles.
  • Massage the base of each toe with circular movements and end each movement with a toe pull.
  • Hold your foot with both hands with your thumbs on the bottom and massage the bottom of your foot with outer motions as if you are trying to open it.
  • With the palm of your hand cup your heel and massage in circular movements. Try also to massage with your thumbs and your knuckles.

Set your foot on the floor

  • Massage the inner part of your heel all the way up to your ankle.
  • Starting at your ankle and moving all the way to your toes, massage along the 5 lines of your toes gliding from the ankle all the way to the tip of each toe.
  • Massage the base of each toe with circular movements and end each movement with a toe pull.
  • Massage the outer part of your heel all the way up to your ankle.
  • Press all your toes downward with your hand and then upward to stretch them.

Put both feet on the ground and compare the difference.

  • Switch sides

Leg Raises (5-minute exercise and 1-minute recovery)

Sit close a wall and swing your legs up on to the wall, so that your feet are up high and the backs of your legs are pressing against the wall. You can adjust your position to be closer to the wall if you like. At this point, you can adjust your mat to lift your hips a little or get a pillow. Relax your legs and stay in this position for five minutes. While you are in this position, you can repeat the body scan. Once you are done hug your knees onto your chest and stay there for a moment, then roll onto your right side to lay in a curled side position. Stay there a moment with your eyes closed. Open your eyes and slowly return to a sitting position.

Enjoy the rest of your day!