Adhering to academic integrity standards will help you become an ethical professional and grow as a person of integrity in all aspects of life. Academic integrity protects your reputation as well as ours. Read the NBCC Policy of Academic Integrity here.
New Brunswick Community College is committed to promoting and ensuring the academic integrity of student learning. Academic honesty and integrity are fundamental expectations of learners; as they assume responsibility for their learning and behaviour especially in the submission of work for academic evaluation. Instructors are responsible for clearly communicating course requirements and their expectations on academic honesty and integrity, and students are responsible for learning and adhering to expectations and requirements.
Academic Integrity - the requirement for all College students, employees and applicants to conduct themselves in an honest, trustworthy manner in all aspects of their academic career.
Academic Dishonesty - an intentional, reckless, careless or improper act for the purpose of obtaining, for oneself, or a third party, academic advantage, credential, admission or credit by deception or fraudulent means.
Academic Misconduct - a breach of the Academic Integrity Policy (See Appendix A for Examples of Academic Misconduct - page 4).
Evaluation and Assessment - any teaching and learning activity in which the student is required to engage as part of the course of study and the objective is to measure learning. Examples include, but are not limited to: quizzes, tests, exams, assignments and projects.
Industrial Property - includes inventions (patents), trademarks, industrial designs and geographic indications of source.
Intellectual Property - creations of the mind including inventions, literary and artistic works, symbols, names, images, and designs used in commerce.
Plagiarism - presentation or submission of work or data (published or unpublished in any form), done in whole or in part by other persons, without citation or credit, as the student’s own work i.e., a group project, book, journal, electronic media, etc. (See Appendix A for examples of plagiarism - page 4 & 5).
Student - a person who has attended a course.
Enrollment - a student active in a Program offering and enrolled in at least one course offering during the time period measured.
All materials you consulted need to be cited in your paper, not just books and articles. Images, presentations, podcasts, encyclopedias, audio recordings, etc. should all be cited.
Academic Integrity is an important aspect of academic education, scholarship and achievement. It requires that members of the College community be meticulously honest in all activities relating to their academic activities at NBCC. Conduct falling short of this standard may amount to academic misconduct and be subject to sanctions under this policy:
Responsibilities of the College
Responsibilities of the student
NBCC examples of academic misconduct include, but are not limited to the following:
Examples of plagiarism include but are not limited to: