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Classroom Communications

Virtual Class Expectations

Using video in the virtual classroom makes it easier for both instructors and students to connect and build a sense of community. If possible, turn on your camera to greet everyone. Once your class starts, you can turn it off.

  • Be prepared and login early. Have everything you need, and take a minute to get settled and focused.
  • Wear clothes. Dress like you are going to class, your video shows more than you think.
  • Be aware of your background. Do a test to know what others see, or consider using a virtual background. 
  • Ask before recording. Instructors sometimes use confidential information, so always ask before recording.
  • Utilize the mute button. Mute your mic unless you are talking, this will cut down on distractions in the class.
  • Be present. Being present is more than just clicking “Join Meeting.” Listen, participate and take notes. Being distracted and missing information can quickly put you behind.
  • Use the chat. This allows you to ask questions without disrupting the meeting.


In-Person Class Expectations

As you get to know your instructors and they get to know you, be respectful and follow these suggestions to start you in the right direction.

  • Scent-free. Due to many allergies, NBCC has adopted a scent-free environment. Please be aware of others around you and not wear any scented products.
  • Be prepared. Review any assignments, and have everything you need ready for class
  • Arrive a few minutes early. If you get distracted easily, consider sitting closer to the front. If you need to leave early or are arriving late, consider sitting at the back.
  • Go to class. Some instructors don't take attendance, but your grade can be impacted by attendance. If you have to miss a class, discuss it with your instructor and ask a classmate for missed work or notes. 
  • Business casual. Depending on your program and the requirements your instructor has set, we suggest business casual attire for most classes.
  • Ask questions. Communicate with your instructor, let them know when you don't understand something. 
  • Turn off your cell phone and don’t text or browse during class (unless it’s part of the class)!

Bullying & Cyberbullying

NBCC does not tolerate any form of bullying. See our Student Code of Conduct.

The image was created by NB First Nations artist Shane Perley-Dutcher.


Added Resources