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Money Matters

A college education is a smart investment in your future, let your "Student Financial Support Team" help you find resources so your focus can be on your studies rather than your finances.  We have compiled information and links to assist you in the following tabs. Education can be affordable. If there is further financial information that you are seeking, please feel free to contact us at


It is amazing how many volunteer organizations, corporations, unions, sports groups, etc are willing to fund students for post-secondary education.

Do some research at your place of employment, your parents’ place of employment. Where do you do your banking? What sports or activity organizations do you belong to? Do you or other family members belong to a union? Is anyone related to you involved in the Royal Canadian Legion? The opportunities are endless, just ask. 

  • Employer - Check with your current employer to see if they offer any opportunities including scholarships, and reimbursement programs (employer reimburses employee for tuition +/- fees upon successful completion of program).
  • Union - If you or your parents are a paying member of a union check to see if they offer any bursaries/scholarships.
  • Bank - Most financial institutions offer student rates for their products as well as scholarship opportunities.  
  • Sports - Do you belong to a league or association?  Ask if they offer any educational financial support.
  • Organizations - Many offer members/family of members an opportunity to apply for bursaries/scholarships.

Other Financial Resources